Wiring Harness…ISO 9001 2015 Certified
ISO 9001 2015 Certified – As the World’s longest standing motorsport wiring harness designer and manufacturer. Quality, efficiency and customer service have always been our number one priority.
The journey began early 2019 where we initially started our drive to gain certification. As the market leaders in wiring harness design and manufacture it’s no surprise that the quality management system we had in place was second to none. After all, we’ve been the industry leaders in the motorsport arena for over 30 years.
This solid foundation gave us a fantastic starting point, our whole team united during the process and put in a tremendous amount of work in the mission for certification. After our initial audit, we worked on fine-tuning our management system and processes, then created an action plan! In short, let’s do more to engage and motivate our team, streamline our processes, reduce waste and increase customer satisfaction. Once all objectives were met it was time for our final audit, carried out by Lloyds register, we passed and are awarded certification!

To support Renvale’s current drive in diversifying into new markets and embracing future technology, gaining ISO certification has been an important step forward. It’s the most internationally recognised standard in quality management, we now join over one million ISO 9001 2015 certified companies and organizations across the globe.
Certification reinforces our guarantee to absolute quality and customer satisfaction. Every process is optimized, from our initial design through to the manufacturing process and testing stage of each wiring harness. We strive to maintain the most efficient workflow while minimising waste and energy consumption. Aside from the stand out efficiency benefits to our customers another important factor in our ISO mission is continual improvement.
This isn’t new to us, it’s a culture that’s been with us since the early days. We can thank our team as a whole for this, with their dedication and passion to continually strive to be the best.
With ISO 9001 complete, we now have an excellent foundation for the next piece of the pie…our mission to gain ISO 14001.
We believe that taking care of the environment and stopping the negative effects that businesses have upon it needs to be addressed. The wheels are already in motion and our drive towards gaining ISO 14001 certification is underway. Our manufacturing facility is currently powered by 100% green renewable energy, we have energy-efficient lighting, a strict recycling policy and are implementing electric/hybrid company vehicles. What’s important is getting everybody on board, engaging with our team and pulling together as one to reduce our environmental footprint.